Professional Resources for Social Anxiety Treatment
Treatment Manuals for Social Anxiety
Comprehensive CBT for Social Phobia
Questionnaires for Social Anxiety
Questionnaires from Department of Psychology, Boston University
Free Training Videos
CBT for Social Anxiety: An Integrative Strategy - Larry Cohen, LCSW
Curiosity Training: The Importance of External Mindfulness in CBT for Social Anxiety - Larry Cohen, LCSW
Breaking the Link Between Social Trauma and Social Anxiety - Larry Cohen, LCSW
Excessive Internet Use as a Safety Behavior in Social Anxiety - Randy Weiss, LCSW
Free Interviews
Reflections on 30 Years of Social Anxiety Research and Treatment - Dr. Richard Heimberg
Best Practices for Treating Social Anxiety - Dr. Christine Padesky
Optimizing Exposure Therapy - Dr. Michael Treanor
Mechanisms and Effective Interventions for Social Anxiety - Dr. Stefan Hofmann
Discussing a Parent-Centered Approach to Childhood Social Anxiety - Dr. Eli Lebowitz
National Social Anxiety Center - Free videos, trainings, interviews, research, and peer consultation.
OXCADAT Resources - Free training videos and treatment manual. - Dr. Christine Padesky's website. Some helpful CBT resources. Dr. Padeksy also created the "Assertive Defense of the Self"
Centre for Clinical Interventions - Free workbook and handouts for social anxiety