Out of Office
9/1/2023 – 9/9/2023
I will be outside of Japan and returning 9/9/2023
Email is the best way to contact me while I’m away
It may take as long as 48 hours for me to reply to you
I may be able to do a session if there is some urgency
If you are in crisis or there is an emergency, please contact a relevant number below:
English Speaking Police – 03-3501-0110
Ambulance – 119
Fire – 119
Japan SOFA Status
Okinawa: 098-911-1911
Yokota: 042-507-6560
Iwakuni: 0827-79-3322
Yokosuka: (046) 816-0911
To speak to a professional quickly, please contact:
note: you do not need to be suicidal or having suicidal thoughts to contact the numbers below
TELL Hotline (TELL LifeLine) – 03-5774-0992
TELL Chat: https://telljp.com/lifeline/
Suicide Hotline – 1-800-273-8255